Nelson Camera Club
Site Last Updated - 19th February 2025
The Club is affiliated to the The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter from the PAGB request it by emailing:
Our local union is the The Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union):
The PAGB is affiliated to the world-wide organisation Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique(FIAP):
The RPS (Royal Photographic Society) site: (eg click on a special interest group for portfolios)
Use local libraries (reference range in 770's - eg books by John Hedgecoe) and internet search engines (eg
Examples of good books include
Paul Hill - Approaching Photography; Mark Galer - Foundations for Art & Design - Guide to Creative Photography;
Susan Sontag - On Photography
Useful information available in websites such as
A website designed for landscape photographers, with free software to guide you regarding light conditions
in a particular area - eg direction of sun and practicalities at what time (eg dawn):
Useful information also in photography magazines eg ...
British Journal of
Image editing (in Photoshop)
Again - use libraries and internet search engines (key in photoshop tutorials)
eg (Photoshop instruction & Gallery);
Examples of good books include
Scott Kelby - The Photoshop CS Book for Digital Photographers;
Tom Ang - Advanced Digital Photography
Audio-visual presentations (slideshows)
Many members use the software PTE (Pictures to Exe) - see the website for updates, forums and advice.
Use local libraries and internet search engines, You Tube for Tutorials is quite good once you have waded through the rubbish.
A useful article by Christine Widdall on Plagiarism in photography,
see the LCPU website ( under 'Downloads'
Printing of photographs
Some members use a Manchester firm called DSCL for prints for club competitions:
The law regarding taking photographsin public places
The club has identification cards for club members, in light of several cases recently where photographers have been challenged in public places about taking photographs.
It is worth also noting that the Association of Chief Police Officers issued advice in 2010 as follows:
There are no powers prohibiting the taking of photographs, film
or digital images in a public place.
Therefore members of the public including press should not be prevented from doing so.
We need to cooperate with the media and amateur photographers. They play a vital role as their images help us identify community.
We must acknowledge that citizen journalism is a feature of modern life and police officers are now photographed and filmed more than ever.
Unnecessarily restricting photography, whether for the casual tourists or professional is not acceptable and it undermines public confidence in the police service. Once an image has been recorded, the
police have no power to delete or confiscate it, without a court order.
Photography Information